MET currently provides rural communities in Texas, Louisiana, Minnesota, North Dakota, and Wyoming with employment training, family services and activities through a network of service centers.
Interested families should call their local Head Start or Early Head Start center in their respective community.
If you have questions regarding enrollment or need help locating the nearest center to your family, please call: (281)-659-1305
Head Start: Jennifer Steele, ext. 23
Early Head Start and CCP: Cynthia Resendiz, ext 34
You may also use the link below:
Additional Resources
Request for Proposal
Request for Proposal for Program Nurse
annual report
community assessment update

The Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) is a community service and work-based job training program for older Americans. Authorized by the Older Americans Act, the program provides training for low-income, unemployed seniors.
The Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) provides training and employment services to help low-income participants 55 or older gain the skills needed to get jobs and become financially self-sufficient. SCSEP participants work roughly 20 hours a week for nonprofit organizations, school districts or government offices to receive work-based training and provide valuable services to their communities. Eligible participants earn minimum wage at their work-based training assignments, so they earn income while training.

You are eligible for SCSEP if you:
Are at least 55 years of age
Are eligible to work in the U.S.
Are unemployed
Earned a limited income for your family size during the last year
If you have a documented disability, you are considered to be a family of one, even if you live with several people in your household.
Some income is not included in income eligibility calculations, such as disability benefits and unemployment benefits.
Call us today for more information!
Your work-based training assignment depends on your job goal, the skills required for the job and the skills you need to learn or improve. Here are some examples of work-based training assignments:
Customer service representative
Maintenance worker
Teacher assistant
Childcare worker
Food preparation worker
Retail salesperson
Shipping and receiving clerk

SCSEP offers these services and benefits:
Assessment of your skills, experience, education, interests and any added help you need to complete your training and find the type of job you want
Development of a training plan for the job you choose
A half-time, work-based training assignment for you to develop the skills for your job goal
A free annual health check-up
Training on how to look for jobs, how to talk to a prospective employer and how to be successful in your job
Instruction in English, reading, writing, arithmetic or General Education Development (GED) preparation
Training for other job skills like keyboarding, computer or home health aide
Help with your job search
Connection to support services you need to successfully complete your training, find a job and keep your job
The first priority for program enrollment is given to veterans and their eligible spouses, as long as their discharge was not dishonorable. The second priority for program enrollment is given to individuals with at least one of these characteristics:
Are 65 years of age or older
Have a disability
Have limited English skills
Have low reading, writing and math skills
Live in a rural area
Need extra support and training in order to secure employment
Did not get a job after receiving Workforce Investment Act services
Are homeless or at risk of homelessness